
I have authored research papers that are published in both Korean and English. My primary research domains encompass digital humanities and computational social science, with a particular emphasis on the analysis of expansive multilingual corpora, notably in Korean and English. You can also find my articles on my Google Scholar profile.

Dual Perspectives on Wansuh Park — A Digital Analysis Explores Institutional and Gender Studies —
(두 박완서, 제도와 젠더 혹은 디지털 작가 연구의 시좌 — 2010년대의 『여성문학연구』를 중심으로 —)


Previous research has shown that the academic landscape of the 2010s led to a major shift in Park Wan-suh studies, especially after her death in 2011, and with the ‘feminism reboot’ of 2015. Following up on this, the present study examines whether there was a marked change in the citation frequency of Park Wan-suh’s works, and also checks the flow and content of research trends before and after 2015.

Distant Reading on ‘Jeohui’ ― A Study on the Diachronic Changes of Two Types of ‘Jeohui’ Applying an ELECTRA-Based Semantic Classification Model and N-gram Analysis
(멀리서 읽는 “저희”― ELECTRA 기반 의미 분류 모델과 N-gram을 활용한 두 가지 ‘저희’의 통시적 변화 양상 연구)

Published in DAEDONG MUNHWA YEON'GU, 2024

Utilizing digital methodologies such as an ELECTRA-based semantic classification model and N-grams, the research provides a macro-level view of the trajectories of the two types of “Jeohui” in the data from newspapers (Chosun and Donga), spanning approximately 1954 to 2024.

Meongteongguri: A Raw Look at Colonial Joseon 100 Years Ago Through Korea’s First Newspaper-Serialized Four-Panel Comic
(멍텅구리 : 한국 최초 신문 연재 네컷만화로 100년 전 날것의 식민지 조선을 보다)

Published in 더숲, 2024

‘Meongteongguri’ is Korea’s first newspaper-serialized four-panel comic, meticulously restored a century later through the combined efforts of KAIST digital humanities researchers employing deep learning technology and rigorous historical verification.

Design and Implementation of a Subword-based Morphological Analyzer for Modern Sino-Korean Mixed Texts
(근대 국한문혼용체 자료 서브워드 기반 형태소 분석기의 설계와 적용)

Published in Korean Journal of Digital Humanities, 2024

This study proposes the design and implementation of a subword-based morphological analyzer for automated analysis of modern Sino-Korean mixed texts. Current large-scale modern literature databases are difficult to process effectively with existing morphological analyzers due to their characteristics of mixed Sino-Korean characters and archaic Korean.

Narrative Structure and Cultural-Historical Significance of ‘Meongteongguri’, Korea’s First Serialized Newspaper Comic
(한국 최초 신문연재만화 「멍텅구리」의 서사 구조와 문화사적 의미 연구)

Published in Humanities Contents, 2024

This study examines the narrative characteristics and cultural-historical significance of “Meongteongguri”, Korea’s first long-running comic series published in the Chosun Ilbo from 1924 to 1933. The research team utilized deep learning technology to accurately identify bibliographic information and collect 743 episodes of the series.

The Expansion and Diversification of Webtoon-Related Research in the Korean Academic Field: A Structural Topic Modeling Based on KCI Paper Bibliographic Data from 2003 to 2023
(한국 학술장 내 웹툰 관련 연구의 확장과 분화: KCI 논문 서지 데이터 기반 구조적 토픽 모델링 분석, 2003∼2023)

Published in The Korean Journal of Animation, 2024

This study analyzes the expansion and diversification of webtoon-related research in the Korean academic field, focusing on articles published in Korea Citation Index (KCI) journals from 2003 to 2023. Employing a digital humanities approach, we collected and preprocessed bibliographic information from 670 papers and conducted a structural topic modeling analysis.

The Future of Digital Humanities, Smart Big Data: A Postscript from a Research Fellowship at Trier Center for Digital Humanities in Germany
(디지털인문학의 미래, 스마트 빅데이터: 독일 트리어 디지털인문학 센터 CLS 연구 펠로우 후기)

Published in Digital+Humanities, 2024

This paper proposes the concept of ‘smart big data’ in Digital Humanities, combining the scale of big data with qualitative excellence, as a response to the growing but quality-limited use of big data in Korean DH research. It also emphasizes the importance of international DH experience and the need for context-specific adaptations in Korean humanities.

Portraits of Foucault in the Realm of Korean Modern Literature: Tracing Changes in Foucault Citations through Bibliographic Data from KCI-Indexed Journals, 2008-2021
(푸코의 초상 - 한국 현대문학 학술장의 푸코 인용 양상 변화, 2008-2021 KCI 등재 학술지 논문 참고문헌 데이터를 중심으로)

Published in Society and Theory, 2023

This study aimed to examine the role of Michel Foucault’s writings in modern Korean literary research by tracing the changes in citation patterns of his work in the Korean academic field of modern literature since the late 2000s.

Minjok, Gungmin, Gukga - Tracking Changes in the Meaning of National Discourse in Chosun Ilbo Articles Using Dynamic Word Embedding (1920-40)
(민족, 국민, 국가-시계열 워드 임베딩을 활용한 조선일보 기사의 민족 담론 의미 변동 추적 (1920~40))

Published in The Journal of Korean Fiction Research, 2023

This paper selects 844,251 regular articles from the Chosun Ilbo data, published from the first issue in 1920 to the last issue in 1940, and uses dynamic word embedding and trend tests to illustrate the changes in the meaning of national discourse-related vocabulary (‘minjok’, ‘gungmin’, and ‘gukga’) over time.

Opening the Blackbox of Computational Social Science Research Process: A Case of Comparative Study of Social Science Academia
(전산사회과학 연구과정의 블랙박스 열기: 아카데믹 데이터베이스를 활용한 비교사회학 연구를 중심으로)

Published in Korean Journal of Sociology, 2023

How does the data science-driven sociology of knowledge work? What are the strengths and limitations of the computational approach in the sociology of knowledge, and what kinds of methodological challenges exist?

Kim Yunsik and Our Epoch, A Demographic Viewpoint of Citation - Korean Modern Literature Researchers’ Citation Patterns of Kim Yunsik’s Writings by Gender and Generation, 2004-2019
(김윤식과 우리 시대, 인용의 인구사회학적 시좌-현대문학연구자의 성별 및 세대별 김윤식 저술 인용 양상 연구 (2004-2019)-)

Published in Korean Language and Literature in International Context, 2023

This thesis aims to examine citation practices and the use of Kim Yunsik’s texts in theses on modern literature. The thesis addresses three key concerns: which of his writings were most frequently referenced, who most frequently cited his writings, and how were his works cited.

Reading Digitally and Writing with Data: Exploring Digital Korean Language and Literature
(디지털로 읽고 데이터로 쓰다:디지털 한국어문학의 모색)

Published in Bakmunsa, 2023

The book comprises a compilation of essays authored by 13 researchers, along by their corresponding debates organized into six thematic categories. It can be asserted without hyperbole that this publication serves as a comprehensive and foundational resource for delving into the realm of digital Korean literature.

Mapping the knowledge structure of Korean humanities: Bibliographic data analysis of humanities journal articles in the Korea citation index, 2004~2019
(한국 인문학의 지식구조 파악 : KCI 인문학 논문의 서지 데이터 분석, 2004~2019)

Published in Doctoral dissertation, Sungkyunkwan University, 2022

This study analyzes the bibliographic information of around 250,000 KCI humanities papers published between 2004 and 2019 in order to comprehend the knowledge structure of Korean humanities over the previous 15 years. Bibliographic information used in the analysis includes text information such as the thesis’s title, abstract, and keywords, citation information such as the number of citations and references, and demographic information such as the gender, age, and academic institution of the researcher who wrote the thesis.

Distant Reading on ‘Uri’― Word2Vec and N-gram Analysis on Modern Korean Novels
(멀리서 읽는 “우리”― Word2Vec, N-gram을 이용한 근대 소설 텍스트 분석)

Published in DAEDONG MUNHWA YEON'GU, 2021

Although it has taken quite a long time to discuss the Korean term ‘Uri’ until recent days, it is still in a stalemate without a clear explanation. Through applying quantitative research methodology so-called ‘Distant Reading’, this paper explores the new way to solve the problem.

Structural Topic Model Analysis of Mask-Wearing Issue Using International News Big Data

Published in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021

This study collected and analyzed 58,061 international news items related to mask-wearing from 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2020. The collected dataset was compared before and after the World Health Organization’s pandemic declaration by applying structural topic model analysis.

Discursive Correlation between Seobuk Hakhoe Wolbo and Taeguek Hakbo Using Digital Humanities Methodology
(디지털인문학 방법론을 통한 서북학회월보와 태극학보의 담론적 상관관계 연구)


In a quantitative analysis of correlations among a wide variety of academic and association publications between 1905 and 1910 (the modern enlightenment period), these two showed the greatest degree of similarity, with the sole exception of correlations among Japanese and Korean student magazines.

The Influence of Writer-Critic relationships and Critic’s Structural Positions on the Sales Growth in Book Market: 2010-2015
(작가-비평가 관계와 비평가의 구조적 위치가 소설 단행본 판매량 증감에 미치는 영향: 2010-2015)

Published in The Journal of Modern Korean Literature, 2016

We statistically analyzed the influence of critics on the book’s sales using longitudinal data of book sales, bibliographies of the three major publishers, and the socio-demography of writers and critics.