
I am an Assistant Professor at the Cultural Informatics, The Graduate School of Korean Studies, The Academy of Korean Studies. Prior to this position, I served as a Research Assistant Professor at the Center for Digital Humanities and Computational Social Sciences, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST).

My research interests lie in data science-based approaches in the humanities and social sciences. Please refer to my CV for detailed research history. All my research and teaching history can be found in the Publications, Talks, and Teaching. Since 2022, I have held positions on both the board of directors and editorial board of the Korean Association for Digital Humanities (KADH).

Research Interest Keywords

Digital Humanities, Computational Social Science, Data Science, Natural Language Processing, Korean Studies, and Bibliometrics

Academic Positions

Sep 2024 - Present Assistant Professor, Cultural Informatics, Graduate School of Korean Studies, The Academy of Korean Studies.
Jan 2023 - Aug 2024 Research Assistant Professor, Center for Digital Humanities and Computational Social Sciences, KAIST.
Mar 2024 - May 2024 CLS INFRA Fellowship, Trier Center for Digital Humanities, Universität Trier.
2021 - 2022 Research Associate, Center for Digital Humanities and Computational Social Sciences, KAIST.
2020 - 2021 Part-time Lecturer, College of Liberal Arts, Sungkyunkwan University.


Ph.D. 2022. Data Science, DSSAL, Sungkyunkwan University.
M.S. 2017. Culture Technology, SCL, KAIST.
B.A. 2015. Korean Language and Literature, Sungkyunkwan University.

Selected Publications

Seojoon Lee, Byungjun Kim, Bong Gwan Jun, “Automatic Detection of Four-Panel Cartoon in Large-Scale Korean Digitized Newspapers using Deep Learning”, JOURNAL OF OPEN HUMANITIES DATA, (2024), Link

Jonghyun Jee, Byungjun Kim, Bong Gwan Jun, “The Role of English Wikipedia in Mediating East Asian Historical Disputes: The Case of Balhae”, ASIAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, (2024), Link

Byungjun Kim, Soeun Yang, Hana Kim, “Voices of Transitions: Korea’s Online News Media and User Comments on the Energy Transition”, ENERGY POLICY, (2024) Link

Yerin Kim, Byungjun Kim, Minhyung Park, Woomin Nam, Jang Hyun Kim, “A Soft Power Challenge, or an Opportunity? A Big Data analysis on Chinese Soft Power During COVID-19 Pandemic”, FOREIGN POLICY ANALYSIS, (2023) Link

Kyeo Re Lee, Jang Hyun Kim, Jayeon Jang, Jeewoo Yoon, Dongyan Nan, Yonghwan Kim, Byungjun Kim, “News big data analysis of international start-up innovation discourses through topic modelling and network analysis: comparing East Asia and North America”, ASIAN JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION, (2022) Link

Byungjun Kim, Minjoo Yoo, Keon Chul Park, Kyeo Re Lee, Jang Hyun Kim, “A value of civic voices for smart city: A big data analysis of civic queries posed by Seoul citizens”, CITIES, (2021) Link

전봉관, 장우리, 이서준, 김병준, “멍텅구리 : 한국 최초 신문 연재 네컷만화로 100년 전 날것의 식민지 조선을 보다 (Meongteongguri: A Raw Look at Colonial Joseon 100 Years Ago Through Korea’s First Newspaper-Serialized Four-Panel Comic)”, 더숲, (2024) Link

김병준, 전봉관, “민족, 국민, 국가-시계열 워드 임베딩을 활용한 조선일보 기사의 민족 담론 의미 변동 추적(1920~40)-(Minjok, Gungmin, Gukga -Tracking Changes in the Meaning of National Discourse in Chosun Ilbo Articles Using Dynamic Word Embedding (1920-40))”, 현대소설연구, (2023) Link

전준, 김병준, 김재홍, 김란우, “전산사회과학 연구과정의 블랙박스 열기: 아카데믹 데이터베이스를 활용한 비교사회학 연구를 중심으로(Opening the Blackbox of Computational Social Science Research Process: A Case of Comparative Study of Social Science Academia)”, 한국사회학, (2023) Link

최진석, 김병준, 허예슬, 최주찬, 황호덕, “김윤식과 우리 시대, 인용의 인구사회학적 시좌 : 현대문학연구자의 성별 및 세대 별 김윤식 저술 인용 양상 연구(2004-2019) (Kim Yunsik and Our Epoch, A Demographic Viewpoint of Citation - Korean Modern Literature Researchers’ Citation Patterns of Kim Yunsik’s Writings by Gender and Generation, 2004-2019 -)”, 국제어문, (2023) Link

류인태, 곽지은, 권기성, 김바로, 김병준, 김지선, 박진호, 양승목, 이민철, 이재연, 장문석, 지영원, 한희연, “디지털로 읽고 데이터로 쓰다:디지털 한국어문학의 모색 (Reading Digitally and Writing with Data: Exploring Digital Korean Language and Literature)”, 박문사, (2023) Link

김병준, 천정환, “박사학위 논문(2000∼2019) 데이터 분석을 통해 본 한국 현대문학 연구의 변화와 전망(The Changes and Prospects of Studies on Modern Korean Literature Data Analysis of Doctoral Dissertations from 2000 throughout 2019)”, 상허학보, (2020) Link

김병준, 전봉관, 이원재, “비평 언어의 변동: 문예지 비평 텍스트에 나타난 개념단어의 변동 양상, 1995~2015(The Shifting Aspects of Concept Words Shown in Criticism in Literature Magazines, 1995~2015)”, 현대문학의 연구, (2017) Link

Featured Grants & Projects

(CO-PI) “인공지능과 사회 공진화 동역학에 대한 전산사회과학 연구 (Exploring the Co-evolutionary Dynamics of Artificial Intelligence and Society: A Computational Social Science Approach)”, 글로벌인문사회융합연구지원사업(연구그룹형_국외형), 한국연구재단 (National Research Foundation of Korea), 총 연구비 6.6억원 (Total 660 million KRW), 06/2024 - 05/2027, Link

(PI) “Integrative Approaches in Computational Literary Studies and Global Knowledge Structures”, CLS INFRA TNA Fellowships, European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, Total 7,240 EUR, 03/2024 - 05/2024, Link Certificate

(PI) “한국어 인공지능 고도화를 위한 인문사회과학 학술 말뭉치와 언어 모델 구축 (Building an academic corpus and language model in the humanities and social sciences to advance Korean AI)”, 창의·도전연구 기반지원, 한국연구재단 (National Research Foundation of Korea), 총 연구비 1.4억원 (Total 140 million KRW), 06/2023 - 05/2025, Link Certificate

(Co-PI) “디지탈 인문사회 교육 및 연구 상호 피드백 모델 (A proposed framework for reciprocal feedback between digital humanities and social sciences teaching and research)”, 인문사회-디지털(SW:AI)융합 연구소 지원, 한국과학창의재단 (Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science & Creativity), 총 연구비 4억원 (Total 400 million KRW), 06/2022 - 12/2023 Link

(Co-PI) “디지털 전환기 노동과 고등교육의 변화 (Revolutionizing Workforce and Tertiary Education in the Era of Digital Transformation)”, 2023년 디지털 메가트렌드 위탁연구, 정보통신정책연구원 (KISDI), 총 연구비 9천만원 (Total 90 million KRW), 05/2023 - 10/2023

(Co-PI) “데이터 기반 스토리 공학 : 소셜 미디어 데이터를 활용한 글로벌 OTT 시청자 반응 분석 시스템 개발 (Data-driven story engineering: developing a global OTT audience response analysis system using social media data)”, 2022년도 Post-AI 연구사업 2차 공모, KAIST Post-AI Institute, 총 연구비 2천만원 (Total 20 million KRW), 09/2022 - 11/2022

Skills and Techniques

  1. Python
    • Machine/Deep learning
    • NLP
    • Data visualization
  2. R
    • Statistical analysis
    • Data visualization
  3. Web Scraping/Crawling
  4. Social Network Analysis (SNA)
    • Gephi, networkx, igraph, etc.
  5. Bibliometrics
    • CiteSpace, Vosviewer, etc.
  6. Database